DevOps Guy

Blogging about Devops things and simple copy+paste steps

Things I learned from James Clear’s Atomic Habits and remixing it with my words:

Identify the problem and take action at least make small changes like 1%.

How to take action?

Just start doing without thinking much.

For example, you need to work out for 30mins to see the results of it.
If you think it as 30mins it will be Thirtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Minutes, instead, do it for 2mins. Once you started doing things you will get motivated and finish what you have started.

Remember, Process Creates Motivation not Motivation Creates Process

Pre-commit yourself to do something

Make precommitments to yourself and put them in papers, that you will do a thing this day at this time.
This increases the chance of you doing the thing you decided to do.

Consistency with the help of 3R’s


      Reminder      >>>   Routine  >>>   Reward
        |                    |              |
Smell/Needs Cooling >>> TakingBath >>>  Freshness

Add things/habits you want to follow to the things which you are already doing.
For example, Say you are taking bath daily to get refreshed or cool down your body. Add a 10mins core workout before taking bath. Now, you will be fresh and strong. And doing things like this will help you maintain consistency. After

      Reminder      >>>   Routine  >>>   Reward
        |                    |             |
Smell/Needs Cooling >>> TakingBath >>>  Freshness
                             +             + 
                          WorkOut        Strong


Identify the problem, make small changes consistently by precommitment and adding it to daily habits.

Better explaination as video by FightMediocrity on youtube